2011年9月5日 星期一



In my opinion…(在我的意見中)
Comet Elenin(Elenin慧星 )= NOT a threat(不是個威脅)

Nibiru/planet X/tyche/nemesis = NO

New Madrid catastrophic earthquake(新馬德里斷層地震) = NO (not for a few years or more)(還要很多年後)

Midwest Sinking (美國中西部下沉)= NO

California falling into the ocean(加州掉進海裡) = NO
Canary Islands = NO
Nuclear War (核子大戰)= NO TIME SOON(不會那麼快)
George W. Bush nwo takeover (first prediction by most in the truth movement back in early 2000′s) = NO didn’t happen(布希的新世界秩序=沒發生)
Barack H. Obama nwo takeover (current prediction by truthers) = NO not going to happen

Fema camps = NO (not for what the conspriacy says they are for)
Plastic coffins = NO (not for what the conspiracy says they are for)
Global Biological outbreak = NO TIME SOON

a NWO connection to weather mod = HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED YET!  I still stand by my original claim that weather mod is being used for MANY purposes, and we cannot paint the findings with “NWO conspiracy” when you can take courses on weather mod or work for private companies domestically which engage in weather mod on a daily basis…… to lump HAARP/Chemtrails/weather mod together with NWO talk does a disservice to the science being discovered in this area… and the NWO talk is a distraction from the real truth of GLOBAL weather mod, done by MULTIPLE entities for multiple purposes.
The NWO debate is NOT one to be had with the science of weather modification, or with the discussion of NATURAL uptick in earthquake activity related to the suns interaction with our planet, along with PGRE (post glacial rebound effect).

2012, 9/11/2011, December 24, 2011 — september 26th.. or ANY other actual set date for catastrophe = NO
what i’ve found to be verified as true and sourced threats that should be prepared for by most people in the civilized world:

dirty bomb = possibility髒彈(原子彈的一種)=可能
chemical attack = possibility化學武器攻擊=可能
financial collapse = possibility金融崩盤=可能
HAARP and weather mod = true氣候改變武器=真的有
weather mod (chemtrails etc) = true
NATURAL earthquake uptick = true (most likely due to Post Glacial rebound effect — thanks to Scott from believers underground for promoting this theory!)全球地震活動增加
read more about PGRE here:
My opinion, don’t believe catastrophe dates, or unproved conspiracy talk… if they don’t provide the links… then they don’t want you to THINK.


here are some links on the topics I touched on : you decided for yourself what to think about what I think…. lol..

gordon michael scallion bunk US underwater map being promoted on youtube currently:

2012 (or any other date set for the end of the world) totally debunked:
FEMA camps / coffins / government NWO takeover  ( personally have a hard time believing this now .. since originally it was supposed to be George W. Bush doing this.. now its all magically transferred to Obama… and this goes back to the FIRST Bush and even Clinton was accused in the 90′s).


New madrid seismic zone prediction from certain youtubers gone wrong / debunked / false :

search this term “new madrid sinking debunked”

Elenin causing earth destruction debunked:


what i’ve found to be true should NOT be mixed with the above:  thus the reason for today’s commentary.

HAARP is used for weather modification:

NATURAL earthquake uptick = true
(most likely due to Post Glacial rebound effect — thanks to Scott from believers underground for promoting this theory!)
read more about PGRE here-

