August 12, 2011 – PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. International observers are now reporting more than 20 Perseids per hour, a number that will increase as the shower reaches its peak on August 12-13. Solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal should reach Earth on or about Aug. 15th. –Space Weather
預計在周日會有更多的全球火山和地震活動,目前美國的阿拉斯加一帶和美國西岸,已經出現大量的活山活動證明,下面是印度尼西亞 Ibu火山,也正在有濃煙噴出,有關當局已經把這裡的情形評為警戒狀態。在短期的未來內,很有可能全球的火山活動會迅速增加,同時可以看到某些地區的火山進行噴發。
August 12, 2011 – INDONESIA – Mt. Ibu in West Halmahera regency has been emitting thick smoke, causing its alarm status to be raised on Sunday. Ridwan, a volcanic observer at Mt. Ibu said the mountain’s activities had intensified over the past two weeks. Hundreds of small eruptions have been recorded by the seismograph. “There were numerous tremors. Therefore we increased its status to alert level II,” he said yesterday. Ridwan said the mountain had been closed to hikers and people were prohibited from getting within 3 kilometers of Mt Ibu’s crater. “We announced this two weeks ago and have intensified our observations. We hope people will be aware,” he said. –